Deep Work aims to provide organizations and freelancers with a cooperative framework that reduces operational costs, supports fair profit distribution, and fosters a motivated, health-first work culture.
Over the last few weeks, we met to align on Deep Work’s values, goals, and audiences. It’s incredibly inspiring to see that you all care about it as much as I do.
TLDR: If you prefer to skip reading this email but want to just do stuff - join our monthly council meeting on Friday to listen to and discuss what we do next.
Now we can make it happen - together
Now that we are all aligned, we can make well-informed strategic decisions together, while leveraging the knowledge we have about our skills and those of our collaborators.
If you have participated in paid projects for Deep Work where you received DEEP, you are from now on officially able to influence:
Internal processes and workflows
New projects and working groups
Operational infrastructure and tools we use
Profit distribution and financial planning
Token distribution
The list will probably expand and we can refer to it as our governance surface, i.e. non-static, modifiable components that we all have the ability to change.
How it works
In short, head to #unlock-governance, enter your wallet address that holds your DEEP tokens and use the channels #governance to start a conversation or contribute to an existing one (see below).
You can find a full guide in our recently updated documentation.
(Thanks to Sarah for helping me write this massive update!)
The first decision that needs you
Over the last weeks, I have been documenting some of my previously invisible but inevitable work. I am proposing compensation for the work that aims to reflect the nascent state of Deep Work (low fiat) but assumes strategic importance of the work (higher DEEP token issuance).
Here’s a list of my current workflows:
Outreach Coordinator (discovering interesting teams and building relationships)
Workshop Facilitator (facilitating alignment sessions)
Project Manager (curating and matching experts to projects)
Representative (making sure each of them works well)
Operations Director (monitoring Deep Work for undesired events)
Organizational Designer (designing new infrastructure pieces)
Systems Engineer (making decisions on what fits Deep Work’s vision)
Leave your thoughts in the proposal (exact message here) in the #governance channel. I will submit it to a vote on Snapshot next week.
IMPORTANT: To make sure everyone is included in the conversation, even if a minority disagrees on Snapshot, the proposal will not pass and will be re-negotiated with the minority with the aim to design a solution everyone tolerates.
Over time and as more of you share the workflows above with me, we will keep adjusting the DEEP and fiat compensation to represent everyone’s contribution as accurately as possible.
Stay in touch
As some of you may have noticed, I don’t have the capacity to reach out to all of you individually anymore. So in order for us to learn from each other more frequently, we are creating non-work-related community spaces:
Join our community update and monthly cooking session (usually every second Saturday on the community calendar)
Come to Deep Experiences real-life events alongside conferences, the next one will be at EthCC in Paris!
Check the Discord channels of your interest and don’t hesitate to comment or reach out if you would like to help with anything. I post ideas and suggestions to the relevant channels.
Join me in the #Deep Co-Work voice chat, where I hang out when I’m submerged in (pun intended) deep work.
Thank you for the last four years of support and belief in a wild idea.
It’s time to make it real.