What’s currently happening at Deep Work?
Deep Skills is now officially part of the Creative Director workflow (it’s still an MVP though)
The Design Department has a few workflow update suggestions. Join the retro if you would like to vote on it.
The Awareness team is focusing on an organic distribution of knowledge, rather than using social media algorithms. Follow the conversation on Discord
Prospect calls this month: 8
Client projects started: 2
This newsletter is a test to avoid Discord mess. We aim for Notion, our bi-weekly online event, and this newsletter to simplify catching up with what matters.
Organizational Design - We recently completed a new type of client project based on our Organizational Designer workflow (more details on the client project accessible for Experts here)
If you see someone do something nice, you can now use
in Discord and they’ll be rewarded (details TBD) at the end of the month.
Visit our bi-weekly community events to connect and catch up with others.
Where we need help:
We’re looking for grants to fund further development of the web3 version of Deep Skills. This new version will let you create a project, get paid, and save it on your web3 portfolio. If you know communities that could benefit from this, ping us in the engineering channel on Discord →
If you know anyone in Lisbon who would be open to sharing a couch (or soft carpet) for Andrej and Xeno to sleep on between 10th-15th of September, please send Andrej a Telegram or email.
Events we are attending:
NearCon in Lisbon (11.-14.09.2022)
Taisia, Xeno, and Andrej will represent Deep Skills, support Near teams, and make a positive impression in the Near ecosystem
EthBerlin (16.09.2022)
Deep Work is organizing an event during EthBerlin. Sign up here if you would like to join or follow the conversation on Discord.
“Freelance and life optimization in web3”
Interview with Charlie Ellington
Tracking personal cashflow and financial buffer
Aligning work with values (not financial gain)
Using calendar and email to optimize work/life balance
Value creation in the “Metaverse”
In this issue we were interested in the Metaverse and what people think it should be.
Technological progression of the Metaverse Recently, Bence and I came across the McKinsey research paper about Value creation in the Metaverse. It features a lot of insights and aims to create a breakdown of what the Metaverse is going to consist of. Continue reading → DIASPORA - A a DAO-like social network from 2010 Diaspora was a project conceived at the NYU by a Dan Grippi, Maxwell Salzberg, Raphael Sofaer and Ilya Zhitomirsky. Continue reading →
nice one.