New website, DAO Consultancy kick-off and Denver preparations
Also an update for Creative Director payments on consultancy calls
What’s currently happening at Deep Work?
Deep Experiences
We had a successful and enjoyable collaborative cooking session. Next month will have the same concept, inviting people to cook together. This will allow people to learn how to cook from each other and explore new dishes.
We’ll announce the next session on February 25th soon on Telegram!
Deep Work Studio
Our new website is now officially finished and live! It was designed by Sergey (Sergey Skip#3408), user-tested, and implemented by Bence (imbence#2950) and some additional images have been provided by Daniel (Aghahowadaniel_#8869).
Prospects are increasingly interested in longer-term collaborations and we see a trend for more custom projects.
We have discussed and decided on token issuance for software development and product design for software. You can see the current token allocations here.
Design Consultancy is now offering $500 per month for leaving a Creative Director’s calendar open for prospect calls and an additional $1,500 bonus if a project is confirmed and starts. You can see our distribution of budgets for February here.
Decentralizing workflow updates and improving documentation. Owners of functions will be able to suggest changes after each retrospective, with the Representative being responsible for making sure they get implemented.
DAO Consultancy
The DAO Consultancy department is researching customer audiences and starting business development initiatives. We are currently working with teams that require consultancy support, and re-initiating relationships and conversations with past clients. Follow us on Telegram or join the next retrospective.
The awareness department is starting a BD team and scheduling conference presentations. This will help to spread awareness for Deep Work and give people opportunities to learn about our framework and the DAO Consultancy.
Research & Development
We are progressing with the Human Accelerator project and starting a design sprint for a prototype. More details in Telegram.
For any questions, please let us know in the comments below!
Events we are attending:
EthDenver (27.02.-07.03.2023)
Charlie, Sarah, Justina, Kishore, Simone and Andrej will be in Denver over the conference time. Let us know in Telegram if you would like to meet up!